Bahia Magdalena to San Jose del Cabo

December 27, 2022 – December 31, 2022

Bahia Magdalena was incredible. On the first full day we explored the mangroves near our anchorage. With our friends from SV Nani Ola, we took our dinghies over the shallow entrance at close to high tide. The current carried us in until the mangroves tapered to the width of our dinghy and we couldn’t go any further. The contrast between sand dunes and lush green was spectacular as were the schools of juvenile fish and flocks of birds.

Mangroves with mountains in the background
Mangrove channel narrowing
Aerial view of sand dunes and mangroves, our anchorage is on the left

The following day Ed on SV Wild Blue arranged a ride with a local fisherman into the small town of San Carlos which was about 12 miles from our anchorage. The crews of SV Wild Blue, SV Tardis, and SV Grace Note packed into the panga and away we went. Along the way we passed a small island which was literally covered with thousands of nesting birds. We explored the town including the local market where we were able to buy some fresh produce. We were not quite ready for the meat selection however.

Our ride for the day
Thousands of nesting birds
Mural in San Carlos
Fresh pork anyone?
Open air meat market
Our boat captain was kind enough to pick us up in town and give us a ride back to the beach so we didn’t have to carry our groceries
What could possibly go wrong here?

That night we had dinner at a beachside restaurant in our anchorage. Jose served fresh caught fish, lobster and shrimp with tortillas and beans. Delicious. On our final day in Mag Bay, we took our dinghy to shore and hiked over the sand dunes to the other side where our previous anchorage in Bahia de Santa Maria was located. Pristine, untouched sand dunes led us to the large bay with big surf.

Sand dunes with adjacent mangrove growth
Sand dunes overlooking Bahia de Santa Maria
Bahia de Santa Maria

We were up at 4 am to leave on December 30th. Another approximately 30 hour passage to Los Cabos. Pleasantly unremarkable but we were only able to sail for about 8 hours and had to motor the remainder of the time. We passed the arch in Cabo San Lucas on December 31st where I asked Shelly to marry me exactly 15 years ago to the day. We dodged many sport fishing boats coming out of Cabo San Lucas that morning. We pulled into the Marina Puerto Los Cabos at 10:45 where we looked forward to celebrating New Years and exploring the town of San Jose del Cabo.

Passing Cabo San Lucas
Marina Puerto Los Cabos

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2 Responses

  1. Ida"eeda" & Dave says:

    We love living vicariously thru your beautiful experiences on your sailboat!
    Keep sending pics!

  2. Tim & Robin says:

    good times :)) Bahia Magdalena was incredible

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