Barra de Navidad to La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

March 19-31, 2023

Over the past 12 days or so I have sailed Tasi single handed. The general plan has been to get back to the Puerto Vallarta area to meet up with Shelly when she returns. I traveled with SV One World while we revisited prior anchorages and explored new ones. After pulling out of the slip in Barra, we first headed around the corner to Cuastecomate Bay. Only a few miles from Barra, this bay is rarely visited by cruising boats. One World, Erin Skye, and Tasi were the only boats there. We had a beach all to ourselves and although there was a great reef for snorkeling, it happened to be filled with jellyfish.

Our own private beach.

After a relaxing day and good night’s sleep, we took off the next morning for Tenacatita. We had enjoyed our first visit here and this time I spent another week exploring the area. It was a beautiful 32 mile sail with great wind and I had the anchor down by late afternoon. Along with the crew from One World, Erin Skye, and Volare; I enjoyed daily surf sessions, exploring the mangroves, checking out the nearby town of Manzanilla and it’s crocodile sanctuary, good food and drinks at the beachside palapa restaurant, and even attempted a local hike.

Tasi under sail as seen from Erin Skye
Overlooking Tenacatita Bay
Another trip up the mangroves. Jason claims the threat of crocodiles makes him paddle faster.
Manzanilla is a cool little beach town across the bay from Tenacatita anchorage
Manzanilla church
There is a crocodile sanctuary in the town of Manzanilla which has tons of absolutely huge crocodiles. It was very cool to see them in a mostly natural setting. Not as cool to see large holes in the fences though.
What could possibly go wrong on a rickety hanging bridge over crocodile infested waters?

There is rumored to be a hike off “Good Dog Beach” in Tenacatita that we explored with Foxy’s steadfast help. We easily found the trail head and hiked for about 2/3 of a mile until it just stopped in the middle of the jungle. I guess it’s still a work in progress.

Our intrepid guide, Foxy.
The one view of the anchorage from the trail.
Sunset in Tenacatita

After a week in Tenacatita, Erin Skye headed back to Barra and I continued north with One World. I’m hoping to meet up with Volare and Erin Skye in La Cruz. We made short day hops up the coast, stopping in Chamela and Ipala before rounding Cabo Corrientes to reach Yelapa. Ipala is located just south of Cabo Corrientes and breaks up the long passage nicely. It was windy and choppy outside the small anchorage but calm and quiet within. After a restful night I was unable to raise the anchor as it was stuck hard under a rock. Fortunately some local fisherman with a hooka set-up were kind enough to help me out.

Ipala anchorage.
A quick reminder to not trust the charts in Mexico.

Since it is exposed to the prevailing northerly winds and waves, Yelapa is best visited in calm conditions. The weather lined up nicely and since I had been there with Shelly a few weeks prior, it was fun to show the crew from One World around this cool little town.

The “close” waterfall in Yelapa. We also did the hike to “far” waterfall.
Yelapa church
Gotta love this small tequila bar
But if you’re not into the whole tequila thing…
Yelapan chicks.
Tasi at anchor in Yelapa

After two pretty rolly nights on the moorings in Yelapa, I took off and headed over to La Cruz. Luckily enough they had a slip available at the marina and I was able to pull right in. Coincidentally there are several Silver Gate Yacht Club members here in the marina. I have been able to catch up with the crews of Just Rockin, Tambourine, and Watermark. Now its time to get some boat projects done and welcome Shelly back before we start heading north to the Sea of Cortez.

Where’s the SGYC burgee?

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4 Responses

  1. Marshall says:

    Safe solo travels to you!

  2. Richard Benfield says:

    Great post. and pics. Would love to get down there and do the jungle hike. Where did Foxy come from? Reading John kretschmer. Enjoying it and learning a lot. Avoid the siroccos.

  3. Scott Lagerquist says:

    Awesome being able to see the journey. Thanks for sharing. I started watching One World about the time you left SD. Love their Chanel.

  4. Nancie Lafferty says:

    Grand fun! Thanks for sharing!

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