
March 2 – 9, 2023

We anchored out in the La Cruz anchorage for several days and met up with friends on SV One World who we met in Morro Bay last summer as well as friends on SV Erin Skye who we met in Ensenada in December while at Marina Coral. We basically took it easy and rested but did take some time to enjoy the water including humpback whales in the anchorage.

Rodd excited because a whale had just swam by very close.

We left La Cruz in the afternoon of March 4th for an overnight sail south to the small town of Chamela. It was a great overnight sail with good wind.

Tasi under full sail
Double Halo!! A halo around the moon can be interpreted as impending bad weather or good luck. We chose good luck.
Sunrise on the way to Chamela

We arrived in the morning to find a large bay with a huge beach. There is an estuary that leads towards some panga docks that we could tie our dinghy too while going into town. This allowed us to avoid a beach landing in the surf. However at low tide the estuary entrance is pretty tricky. Luckily we were able to follow a panga in to learn the best route. Later that day we were joined by One World and Erin Skye and enjoyed action filled days of dinghy rides. snorkeling, paddle boarding and playing on the beach. On our last night we were hosted by Erin Skye for a delicious Mac n Cheese dinner, Pina Coladas and Mexican Train Dominoes.

Sunrise in Chamela
Overlooking Chamela bay with our boats at anchor
A cool, secluded beach with what could be great diving but the visibility was pretty poor the day we were here
Checking out some potential real estate investments

After a few great days in Chamela, we left with Erin Skye and One World to head south to our next stop in Tenacatita. We had a great sail with wind on the beam most of the day. We caught two Jack Crevalle and a small Bonita but threw them both back. We also had a whopper on the line that threatened to take all our line but it snapped our line before we could even start trying to bring it in. Too bad because it took our most productive lure. We arrived in Tenacatita in the late afternoon and look forward to exploring this new spot.

Jack Crevalle. The locals refer to this fish as toro (bull). It puts up a fight but doesn’t taste good so we released this one.

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11 Responses

  1. Shappy says:

    So fun! Except the one that got away 😥 at least you got a pic ❤️
    Enjoy!!! 🍻

  2. Paul says:

    NICE! Make sure to share what was your most productive lure. BTW, the jacks are great as ceviche.

    • Rodd says:

      Mexican flag tuna feather. We’ll need to get another. I didn’t know about the ceviche. Will have to remember for next time. Hope you and Mona are well

      • Paul says:

        Mexi Flag… A staple.
        Tell us how the ceviche is and what recipe you used. Doing well and loving the posts.

  3. Richard Benfield says:

    Looks great. Thanks

  4. Richard Benfield says:

    Looks great thanks

  5. Ida and Dave says:

    We are so happy for both of you! You put in your time and now are living such a joyous and kick back life!
    As I said before, Dave and I are living vicariously thru your pictures and comments!

  6. Marshall says:

    I played Mexican Train Dominoes for the first time a couple of months ago.

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