Chacala to Mazatlan

April 14-22, 2023

We arrived in Chacala in the afternoon. We set the bow and stern anchors with help from One World who got there just before us. It was a great light wind sail and we took the opportunity for some photo ops.

Tasi under full sail
One World
One World slowly passing us
Yes, One World is faster
Tasi seen from One World

Chacala was one of our favorite stops on the way down and it did not disappoint this time either. We did the hike to the caldera again followed by my favorite margaritas at Chacmool. Along the hike are some unique trees.

View down into the anchorage
There is a new palapa at the top of the caldera hike that wasn’t there last time.
Goats keep the vegetation in check
Strangler fig tree. This tree wraps itself around another tree and grows around it’s trunk
Another strangler fig that grew around this palm tree.
Soursop tree
I’m told this is a gringo tree because its red and peeling
Termite nest
My favorite margarita
Enjoying a great breakfast at Laxtli. This restaurant is right across from the port captain’s office

After three nights in Chacala, we had a good weather window to head north. We stopped for one night in Matanchen where we enjoyed some surfing and downtime on the beach. Then it was a 23 hour motor sail in very light winds north to Mazatlan. We stopped for one night in Stone Anchorage which is right next to the city commercial port. There is a small hill overlooking the port that we hiked up to earn our tacos and margaritas.

Overlooking the port of Mazatlan
Overlooking Stone Anchorage
Panoramic view from the top
What has two thumbs and loves two for one margaritas?

Finally, it was off the next day to Marina El Cid where we were able to get caught up on chores. We did all the exciting stuff like laundry, washing the boat, getting the boat’s bottom cleaned and provisioning food for our next leg. We will be setting off for the sail from Mazatlan back across the Sea of Cortez to Baja. We are planning to head to the La Paz area but weather will ultimately dictate where we end up. We’re planning for a 35 hour trip, the longest we’ve gone in several months.

On our last night in Mazatlan, there was a huge wedding party. We thought we’d get no sleep but surprisingly it was over by 10 pm. The sailboat in this picture is docked right across from us. It was featured in a Dateline NBC episode in the 1990’s after someone was murdered on it off the coast of Catalina. Crazy story. I wonder if the new owner knows the history.

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5 Responses

  1. Paul says:

    Great stuff! Keep ’em coming!

  2. Nancie Lafferty says:

    Fantastic!! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Richard Benfield says:

    Looks like a great area.

  4. Ida "eeda" says:

    Happiness is…..

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