About Us

The Crew: Rodd and Shelly

In 2014 we were sitting at the Bottom Time Bar and Grill at Sam’s dive shop in Palau enjoying cold Red Rooster beers after another epic day of diving the rock islands. We struck up a conversation with a couple sitting next to us and learned that they lived on their boat in the mooring field across from the bar and that they had sailed there from the east coast of the US. That sparked our dream to start a similar life adventure. Moving back to San Diego in 2015, we took sailing lessons together to reacquaint Rodd and introduce Shelly to sailing. We purchased Nesoi, an Island Packet 320 in 2016 and soon after had the opportunity to acquire Tasi in late 2018. We have enjoyed day trips in the San Diego area and longer trips to Catalina, the Channel Islands, and Mexico since.

Both recently retired from careers in the Navy, we look forward to cruising full time beginning in 2022.


Tasi is a 2018 Island Packet 379. She is a full keel, cutter rigged, blue water sloop. Closely related to the Island Packet 370, this new and improved model is one of the first “new” Island Packets built by Darrell and Leslie Allen. Tasi is Chamorro for ocean as well as Samoan for one. Since we began our dream to sail in Guam and Tasi is the first 379 to be built, her name is quite symbolic.

S/V Tasi-Island Packet 379-1
Birth of Tasi: hull being removed from mold
Rodd and Darrel in front of IPYs
Shelly and Rodd visit Tasi in the IP factory
Tasi arrives in San Diego
Catalina Island 2020