Isla Coronados and San Juanico

May 30 – June 14, 2023

While Shelly was back at home in MN helping out her family, I spent several weeks in the Puerto Escondido area. It was a beautiful place but we were both looking forward to getting back out there exploring the area. Shelly returned and we stocked up on provisions in Loreto. Then we were off. We initially tried to anchor on Isla Danzante which is a few miles from Puerto Escondido but quickly got chased out by swarming bees. This is common in the Sea of Cortez in the summer as the bees are desperately seeking fresh water. We then checked out an anchorage near Islote Las Islitas that our friends on SV Free Luff had recommended. This turned out to be a great spot. It was very calm with great breeze in the afternoon and crystal clear water. We went to shore and enjoyed long walks on the beach and the small hill overlooking the anchorage. Our second night we were joined by One World and Erin Skye who we hadn’t seen since La Cruz. It was great to catch up with those guys.

Overlooking Islote Las Islitas anchorage
Tons of driftwood.

We did one more quick stop in Puerto Escondido with Erin Skye and One World where we said our goodbyes. Erin Skye is heading to La Paz and then moving back to land and we likely won’t see One World until next season. We enjoyed a nice sunset and delicious pizza.

Sunset over Puerto Escondido
Moonrise over the mountains in Puerto Escondido.

Our next stop was the anchorage in Isla Coronados. This is an extinct volcano with a great calm anchorage and crystal clear water. It is a popular stop for sight seeing panga tours but it was very quiet once they left after sunset. We got up early one morning before it got too hot and hiked to the top of the volcano. Very cool views from the top.

Isla Coronados
View from the top of Isla Coronados
This guy surprised us on the trail. Make sure to turn the volume up.
Panoramic view from Isla Coronados overlooking Loreto

We spent two nights in Isla Coronados and then moved north to San Juanico anchorage. This is one of the more stunning anchorages we have been. There are scattered rock formations, reefs, beaches and cool wildlife.

Someone made this sand art on the beach out of shells.
Stone fish. Watch your step.
Spectacular sunset in San Juanico

Following two great nights in San Juanico we were off. We started putting the fishing lines out. We usually have three lines out with two rods on either side and a handline off the stern. Before we could even get them all in the water, we got a huge hit. I couldn’t believe it but we hooked up with a marlin. We got it to the boat but since they’re aren’t great eating and would be dangerous for two people on a sailboat, we released it. We caught several skipjacks the rest of the day but unfortunately nothing worth keeping. Next stop, Bahia Concepcion.


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5 Responses

  1. Marshall says:

    đź‘Ť Another set of great photos!

  2. Dave Kissinger says:

    Thank you for the update. I am enjoying following your adventures! Keep your eyes peeled for hurricane weather! KEEP HAVING FUN!

  3. Richard Benfield says:

    Great sunset in San Juanita. Best I’ve seen since my days in Hackensack NJ when the pollution made the sky crimson. Good idea to let the marlin be.

  4. We really enjoyed spending some time in Islote Las Islitas – thanks for posting photos of it! We had seen boats here but the photos you shared pushed us over the top and we had to come. Great place to spend time in settled weather!

    • Rodd says:

      Very nice to hear. We enjoyed our time there. Hope all is well with you. We are crossing to San Carlos sometime next week.

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