Tagged: Isla San Francisco


Mazatlan to Candeleros Chico

April 5 – 28, 2024 We competed the trip from Chacala to Mazatlan in just under 26 hours. The winds were light so we ended up motor sailing most of the way. Leaving Chacala...


Puerto Escondido to La Paz

November 19 – December 1st, 2023 We arrived in Puerto Escondido and immediately took advantage of all it has to offer. We got to boat chores including having the bottom cleaned, servicing our outboard...


Entering the Sea of Cortez

Los Muertos, El Portico, Caleta Partida, Isla San Francisco, San Evaristo, San Telmo, Agua Verde, Puerto Escondido, and Isla Danzante April 23 – May 10, 2023 These last few weeks have been packed with...