Tagged: Puerto Escondido


Loreto to Cabo San Lucas

April 29 – May 28, 2024 We left our friends on Tino Pai in the anchorage at Candeleros Chico and sailed to the lesser known TnA anchorage just outside of Puerto Escondido. Upon arrival...


Santa Rosalia to Puerto Escondido

November 7-18, 2023 After several days of strong winds from the north, we finally had a weather window to head south. In typical fashion, there was no wind and we had to motor. Fortunately...


Isla Coronados and San Juanico

May 30 – June 14, 2023 While Shelly was back at home in MN helping out her family, I spent several weeks in the Puerto Escondido area. It was a beautiful place but we...


Entering the Sea of Cortez

Los Muertos, El Portico, Caleta Partida, Isla San Francisco, San Evaristo, San Telmo, Agua Verde, Puerto Escondido, and Isla Danzante April 23 – May 10, 2023 These last few weeks have been packed with...