Tagged: SV One World


Mazatlan to Candeleros Chico

April 5 – 28, 2024 We competed the trip from Chacala to Mazatlan in just under 26 hours. The winds were light so we ended up motor sailing most of the way. Leaving Chacala...


Zihuatanejo to Chacala

February 27-April 3, 2024 We spent almost three weeks in the wonderful town of Zihuatanejo. While the first part of our stay was dominated by the Sailfest activities, the second was filled with Guitarfest....


Barra de Navidad to Zihuatanejo

January 27-February 26, 2024 My latest bout with COVID lasted about 5 days. After recovering, I was able to jump back in and enjoy Barra de Navidad. We enjoyed this is a cool little...


Twenty Days in Tenacatita

January 8-27, 2024 Tenacatita is a large bay roughly 120 nautical miles south of Puerto Vallarta. It was one of our favorite stops last season and we had been talking it up to our...


Isla Coronados and San Juanico

May 30 – June 14, 2023 While Shelly was back at home in MN helping out her family, I spent several weeks in the Puerto Escondido area. It was a beautiful place but we...


Isla Carmen

May 11-29, 2023 With its diverse wildlife, rugged desert landscape, and secluded anchorages; the Sea of Cortez is incredible. Isla Carmen did not disappoint. After a short stay in Honeymoon Cove, we weighed anchor...


Entering the Sea of Cortez

Los Muertos, El Portico, Caleta Partida, Isla San Francisco, San Evaristo, San Telmo, Agua Verde, Puerto Escondido, and Isla Danzante April 23 – May 10, 2023 These last few weeks have been packed with...


Chacala to Mazatlan

April 14-22, 2023 We arrived in Chacala in the afternoon. We set the bow and stern anchors with help from One World who got there just before us. It was a great light wind...


La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

April 1 – 13, 2023 Our time in La Cruz was spent getting the boat ready to head back north to the Sea of Cortez. The list of chores included servicing the diesel engine,...


Tenacatita and Barra de Navidad

March 9 – 18, 2023 Tenacatita is a popular stop for cruisers. It is a large, well protected anchorage known for good snorkeling, surfing, an estuary, and a tasty beach-side palapa. There were many...